Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) is a synthetic plant growth regulator commonly used in agriculture for its diverse effects on plant growth and development.
Mode of Action
NAA promotes the formation of adventitious roots in plant cuttings. When applied to the base of cuttings or as a rooting hormone dip, NAA stimulates cell division and elongation in the cambium and pericycle tissues, leading to the development of new roots. This property is crucial for vegetative propagation of plants, allowing growers to produce clones from desired parent plants.
Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) is commonly applied as a rooting hormone solution to the base of plant cuttings or as a dip for quick absorption. It can also be incorporated into rooting substrates or applied as a foliar spray.
Crop | Common name of the Pest | Dose/acre(gm) | Dilution in Water (Liter) | Waiting Period(Days) |