12:61:00 MAP
12:61:00 is the chemical formula for Mono Ammonium Phosphate (MAP). MAP is a water-soluble fertilizer that contains 12% nitrogen (NH4) and 61% phosphorus (P2O5). It has the highest phosphorous content among fertilizers that contain phosphorous.
Mode of Action
Phosphorus: MAP provides readily available phosphorus to plants, which is essential for various metabolic processes, including energy transfer, root development, and flower and fruit formation. Nitrogen: MAP also supplies nitrogen in the ammonium form, which can be taken up by plants and used for protein synthesis, chlorophyll production, and overall growth.
As a Fertilizer: MAP is commonly used as a fertilizer to supply phosphorus and nitrogen to crops. It is suitable for a wide range of crops, including cereals, oilseeds, fruits, and vegetables. Soil Application: MAP can be broadcasted or applied in bands during soil preparation or at planting to ensure adequate phosphorus availability for crop uptake. It can also be applied as a side-dressing during the growing season for crops with high phosphorus demands. Foliar Application: In some cases, MAP can be dissolved in water and applied as a foliar spray to provide a quick supply of phosphorus and nitrogen to plants, especially during critical growth stages or periods of nutrient deficiency.